A timer designed for effective rotation during Mob Programming sessions using the Strict Navigator rule taught by Llewellyn Falco
UI ideas and functionality borrowed from other MobTimers like Agility Timer, written in JavaFX to provide the ability to be Cross Platform and better interruption of the navigator
- Download the MacOSX, Windows, or Linux installer
- Install
- Default time is 7 minutes
- Click center of screen to start timer
- Pause to pause current user
- Skip to skip to the next user
- Stop to stop rotate nag alarm or the current users turn
- Settings - Add/Remove users for named rotation and to Skip to specific users
- If a user is called "break" it will function as a break and show next actual user
Script capability
A "hidden BYOS feature" that allows execution of a setup script for a users turn, use your imagination options are limitless, primarily for user preferences during their turn
- An environment variable MOBTIME_SCRIPT can be added to the system indicating the location of a script with {name} variable corresponding to the user name
- ex. export MOBTIME_SCRIPT=/Users/myuser/{name}.py
- Script will execute when that user clicks play, if script is not present will ignore
Latest Release
ReleasesAuthors and Contributors
Thanks to my fellow Mobbers for putting the Timer to the test @apabla and @kmcrawford